Friday, June 27, 2008

Events Management Individual Reflection Report

1. Introduction
Kicking start a four month long Singapore DrumFest 2008, Drum Circle is an assembly of drum/percussion enthusiasts, local and beyond. The main highlight of the said event is obviously the Drum Circle.

Led by internationally acclaimed music therapist Christine Stevens, participants share a rhythm and get in tune with each other and themselves, using basic instruments that the event provides. Other enticing programs also include performances by talents such as local percussion group Strikeforce.

Also, another focus of DrumFest be the Drum Challenge Asia 2008. In a nutshell, it is a drumming competition with youth, adult and open categories. Following that is a winner’s special showcase.

A promotional poster for Drum Circle

A short clip showing what Drum Circle is about. From YouTube user Choongting13.


2. Background of Organizer
Established only in 2007, Singapore DrumFest Committee is an independent non-profit body that is the first in Asia to execute an international drumming festival. This committee aims to make drumming accessible to everyone, also to enrich the local arts and music scene by staging performances throughout the four months. Other than this festival, the committee has also prided themselves as one of Asia’s leading music and drum events organizer, planning profession drum clinics.


3. Role of Event to Organizer
As mentioned in the background of organizer above, the committee is trying to gain popularity for drumming, in the community. We can also see that the organizers are trying to make Singapore the spot for drum enthusiast in the region and hopefully around the world with an event like DrumFest. In a sense the event is a catalyst that pushes the popularity of Singapore’s drumming scene.

An event like Drum Circle can also raise the public’s awareness about drumming and hopefully stir interest in them. Therefore injecting new blood into the scene, expanding the circle. In addition, competitions are a big part of DrumFest. This gives the community a chance to hunt for talents to further promote the said music scene.

If the event can generate enough buzz, it will also be easier for organizers to get sponsors in the future for similar events. Only with more funds can the event expand on a international scale.

Drummers parading Orchard Road before the event, generating awareness.


4. Role of Event to Venue
Drum Circle is held at *scape Youth Park. As seen from its name, *scape is a government initiative that hosts events targeted at main youths. With an high profile, energetic event like DrumFest being held there, it further enhances the image of *scape as a lively, energetic place for youths.


5. Target Market
5.1 Drumming Enthusiasts
Obviously, these enthusiasts will be participating in events like these. Fortunately for the committee, there are already number drumming interest groups, making the gathering of these enthusiasts easier. For example, the organizers posted details of programs on an online drumming forum, hopefully obtaining good response from them. This group of people helps build a strong foundation for the event, participation wise.

As discussed before, the event is the first to be established in Asia. They are also trying to reach out to the other Asian countries that lack events like these. As stated in their website, the event has successfully attracted like-minded people from Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong etc.

5.2 General Public – Non-Drummers
With a program like Drum Circle, which features a performance for participants – for the participants, this can remove the apprehensive mindset that most non-drummers have so that they can step out and join the drumming community.

Christine Stevens, leading the Drum Circle

5.3 Media
Based on its novelty factor, the event is newsworthy enough to generate press. As this wears off, organizers will have to come out with more ideas to attract the media. The event needs media to help again, publicize it and generate more interest. The media will be the channel to spread the idea to the mass.


6. Stakeholders in the event
6.1 Organizing Committee
Without this initiation, the DrumFest will not happen. This committee contains mostly drum enthusiasts, as they are passionate enough to bring the event to greater heights. They are also responsible for all planning of the event, be it logistics, risk assessment, human resource aspects and so on.

6.2 Sponsors
Sponsoring is important for non-profit events like these, as the committee will not have enough resources to support the whole stretch of events. Therefore sponsors will be engaged. But most sponsors seek recognition and publicity, which is why most collaterals of the event have a space especially for organization logos to appreciate their contribution.

6.3 Media
As said in target market, media is a huge part of the event. They indirect advertise the event to general public to create more hype and add a level of prestige. Also with media coverage that potential sponsors will be more likely to contribute, knowing that the event is large scale enough, and also a possibility to appear together with the event on news coverage.

6.4 Government
Especially in Singapore, government is concerned with that is exposed to the citizens. Therefore they will definitely monitor the event to ensure no explicit materials being showcased.

6.5 Volunteers
Another challenge for non-profit events is staffing. The budget might now allow the event to employ part-timers. Therefore the best way is to hunt for volunteers to contribute their effort to the event. It is observed that most of the volunteers are drum enthusiasts themselves, so they possess the drive to ensure smoothness of the event and at the same time have the passion for it.
Volunteers deep in discussion!

6.6 Participants
Participants, be it drummers or non-drummers, is one of the most important stakeholders of the event. Without their support, the event will not have even achieved their objective. For instance, if there are little participants in Drum Circle, it will be harder or even impossible to really extract the spirit of the rhythm.

6.7 Tourism Agencies
If the event wants to attract more foreign visitors, an easier way is to work with tourism agencies to help promote this opportunity with other programs that they offer.


7. Marketing Strategies
Only in its second year, DrumFest still cashes in with its novelty factor. Such event used to be a untapped market in Asia until DrumFest started last year.

This alone will be an answer to those in the region who want to witness an event like that. Therefore a lot of emphasis is on the fact that DrumFest is the first in the whole of Asia.

Also, DrumFest reaches out to the public via many channels. For example, brochures are given out before the event, a well designed website which is updated constantly, MySpace account, postings on Internet interest discussion forums, magazine coverage, television news report and so on. It is evident that the committee is trying to reach out to as many interest party as possible, which ensures maximum participation.

Navigator, a local publication, promoting DrumFest 2008

Another strategy is the engaging of famous performers. These established performers should already possess a fan-base; therefore the appearance of their idol will help further participation. In addition, there is a huge array of marketing collaterals, including postcards, banners, flyers and so on.

Postcards/Brochures that was given out before and during the event


8. Meeting Tourist Demand
As I said, this event is still fresh and probably not deep rooted in the music scene. Therefore it is still difficult to capture foreign demographics. This idea itself is definitely workable as there is no competition in the region, but the execution should definitely be on a grander scale to bring in more tourists. This niche market will definitely be satisfied by this event if it is will planned as their main objective should be drumming-related.


9. Raising Value of Event
In fact, the main attraction of the event goes in line with the events and entertainment vision of Singapore Tourism Board. The fact that DrumFest is the first of its kind in Asia helps to strengthen the image of Singapore being the “Events & Entertainment Capital of Asia”. But like I have suggested in the topic before, the event should definitely be on a greater scale.

Firstly, a huge part of DrumFast is focused on Drum competitions. With auditions, semi-finals and finals scretched over a long period of time, it is very difficult for the event to attract foreigners. In my opinion, the festival should shift its spotlight to having more showcases by internationally acclaimed drum artist. These will appeal to those who are interested to travel into Singapore.

Also, stretching across 4 months might not be a good idea. The committee might consider revamping the festival to into a manageable period of a week or leaving highlights of the whole festival to the final week. Firstly, when programs are fitted into 4 months, there is bound to be gaps in between. One appealing program will not be a good motivation for traveling. On the other hand, a week packed with fantastic sounding programs will definitely be more appealing as tourists get to enjoy a more wholesome experience.

Local percussion group StrikeForce, easily one of the best performance of the night. Most of them are also volunteers in the event.

Here's a clip of the performance. Watch it! Its amazing. Taken by YouTube user ketokkedamti.


10. Rating the Organization
Knowing that they do not have prior experience in running such events, I have to say the DrumFest committee has done a good job in organizing the event. During the four hours that I was at Drum Circle, I was constantly entertained and bedazzled by the stunning array of programs. Not only that, the event also ran smoothly without any major hiccups.

I also admire the fact that the committee is working for pride and satisfaction. In a non-profit event like this, it is the passion that drives the organizers to make the event successful. Also, since the event has only just started last year, having international recognition is almost impossible. But judging from the success of what has been ran up to now, the event will definitely leap to greater heights in the near future. So drum on people!
7:31 AM
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